Oyster” Netflix books”, comes to android


Providing a service with a virtually unlimited number of books in exchange for a monthly subscription is not a new idea. We saw it with Scribd, with nubico with 24symbols and oyster iPhone.

It is this last option that features news, as they have launched an Android version and Kindle Fire, with the same pattern as that of iOS: books almost unlimited for $10/month. The android version has different features to the iOS version: You can change pages with the volume control, for example.

Oyster was created by Van Lancker, before Google and Apple designer, and Brown, a former Google engineer. They have expanded enough quantity of books available, which remains strong recommendation system based on our previous readings, but still no go for the Hispanic market.

In her blog commented that they have worked on creating good records for each book, new fonts and a new general design also apply to the iOS version.

The problem with these services is that it is aimed at a very specific audience: those who manage to have time to read more than one book a month, since otherwise still cheaper to buy the new book when we have finished the previous one. Are you Pagaríais $ 10 a month for a service like this?