
Apple starts using two-step verification on your website iCloud.com

Of course you will be aware of the hype that was formed a few weeks ago when a large number of intimate photos of famous were stolen from iCloud servers . Although from Apple, after processing the event, they were quick to say that no one had accessed the images taking advantage of any security breach…


Apple promises to add extra security to iCloud

Although Apple said this week that they have not found any security problem in iCloud, and stealing the photos has been famous because of “weak passwords and personal data with their own mistakes”, personally I disagree. It is the responsibility of a company to educate its users on the quesito security force maintain strong passwords,…


Apple is silent on the issue of stolen pictures of famous

Since yesterday appear to not talk about anywhere else. Dozens of photos of famous nude circulate messaging services for the websites in which images are shared, storage services online, through social networks. although every effort is made to cancel the accounts from which it is published content, for each displayed two cut head, thus being…


Using iCloud in Windows

iCloud is one of those services that you miss when you stop it available, one of the most practical things that Apple makes available to its users, and allows us to keep updated on our mail, contacts or photos cloud. But what if a member of any Apple product and you have a Windows PC?…

apple icloud

Comparison Chart: iCloud Drive vs competitors

iCloud Drive is one of the greatest advances of iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite , one of the pillars in the way that Apple has to see and interpret the convergence between their different devices and it will change the way Mac users and iOS have to work with. One aspect that has changed…

apple icloud

iCloud Drive, the new platform cloud storage Apple

During the first day of WWDC 2014 , Apple has not lost the opportunity to make some new planting directly face their rivals in the market of web services. While presenting a renewed search system in the new OS X Yosemite , in that eliminates the need to go to a browser to search (…